
You Can’t Make Yourself Happy With Your Own Money
You Can’t Make Yourself Happy With Your Own Money

We Don’t Vote, Go to War, or Do Politics: What Do We Do?
We Don’t Vote, Go to War, or Do Politics: What Do We Do?

Should I Vote?
In this episode, Nathan Zook PhD encourages us to maintain a Christlike attitude as we consider political events.

How Can We Make a Difference Without Voting?
We are once again in a presidential election year in America. This is bringing up all the many conversations the church has been having for hundreds of years around issues like political involvement, voting, and separation from the world.

Nonresistance and Political Involvement
Even if you don’t want to look at what Jesus himself says, the political realm is not the place to get change.

REALLY? Dare to Investigate!
It is a sad testimony for a person to be ignorant, and it’s even sadder for that person to be deliberately ignorant. Yet many supposedly-intelligent

Scriptural and Early Christian Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage
Key Scriptures from the Old Testament
Let’s begin by reading some of the Old Testament scriptures that shed light on the subject of divorce. The teaching of the New Testament is most important to us; but since some New Testament passages quote from the Old Testament, we will look at those Old Testament passages first.