Commonly Asked Questions
How long has CAM been operating?
CAM was founded in 1981 to minister to physical and spiritual needs around the world. CAM began the Gospel Billboard ministry in 2006.
How many Gospel signs does CAM have, and in which states are they located?
CAM posts Gospel signs in all 50 states. The average number of Gospel billboards is typically over 1300. Four states do not allow highway billboards and in those states CAM posts Gospel messages in shopping malls, airports, and bus terminals.
Does CAM follow up with callers after the initial call?
CAM does try to maintain contact with callers who have significant physical or spiritual needs. Our phone team spends many hours on the phone, discipling men and women who called months before. Occasionally our phone team members will travel long distances to meet with seeking callers who want face-to-face conversation. CAM also mails thousands of gospel CD’s and pamphlets to callers.
Is CAM associated with a particular church or denomination?
CAM staff are members of conservative Anabaptist churches (Amish, Mennonite, Brethren, etc.). However, our goal is to lift up Jesus Christ, not a particular denomination.
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes, CAM is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that issues tax-deductible receipts for all contributions. (Donations from supporters make it possible for us to place these Gospel messages.) CAM is accountable to a wide body of churches and organizations.
Why do you spend so much money on billboards when the money could be used to feed starving people?
The majority of Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) programs focus on humanitarian aid, literature, and educational resources. Each year, millions of dollars of food, medicines, and school supplies are sent to third-world countries.
In America, it appears to us that the most pressing needs are spiritual. We wish you could hear the weeping man in Arizona who called the toll-free number on the billboard asking for prayer to overcome his addiction to pornography. We wish you could meet the professional trucker who tearfully confessed his years of infidelity and then began accepting help to restore his fractured marriage. We wish you could experience the thrill of the deliverance of the single mom who had been a Satan worshipper. We believe you would be touched by the desperate call from a delivered alcoholic on the PA Turnpike who begged for help and prayer to overcome the sudden, powerful urge for alcohol after eight years of being sober.
We are living in a broken world because people are not living as God designed and as Jesus exemplified. In the midst of this broken world, we attempt to use billboards to lift up Jesus and point people to Him.
The billboards can be expensive, yes, and yet for the price of a sandwich from the McDonald’s dollar menu, 1,300 people each day see a Gospel message. Through the toll-free number listed on our billboards, each person is offered a way to seek help and to have someone pray for their needs. Our organization also sends millions of pounds of humanitarian aid each year to help with the physical needs of the hungry and suffering around the world.