When I was a young lad in school, I had a Polish teacher who had a deep love for art. His passion for creativity spilled over into the way he taught us, encouraging us to see the world through an artist’s eyes. One of his techniques was to draw an animal upside down on the chalkboard and ask us to reproduce it on our own art paper. He’d mold clay animals for us to study and then guide us as we tried to imitate his work. His hands shaped each form with purpose and care, and he taught me to see the beauty in the details. I grew to love art myself, and even now, from time to time, I still sit down and draw.
No one has ever looked at one of my drawings and assumed it just came into being by itself. Whenever someone sees a picture I’ve drawn, they always ask, “Did you draw that?” It’s a natural question because the assumption is always that there was a creator behind the picture. No one ever begins by asking, “Did that picture come into being all by itself, purely by accident?” Of course not! It’s understood that behind every piece of art, there is an artist.
Yet, today, many people look at the intricately designed world around them—a world far more beautiful and complex than any drawing I could ever make—and they claim, “There was no Creator. It just evolved entirely on its own.” How incredulous. How unthinkable. How illogical! To believe that the design of the universe just happened by accident is like looking at a masterpiece painting and refusing to acknowledge that someone painted it.
This brings us to the message on one of our billboards: “In the Beginning, God Created.” These words, drawn straight from Genesis 1:1, are a simple yet powerful reminder of the truth that has been at the heart of creation since the beginning of time. The universe didn’t come into existence by accident. It wasn’t the product of random chance or some blind evolutionary process. No, it was crafted by the hand of a Master Artist.
Genesis 1:1 sets the stage for everything else in Scripture. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Before anything else existed, God was. He is the eternal Creator, the One who spoke the universe into existence. These opening words of the Bible remind us that everything we see—the stars in the sky, the mountains that rise above the valleys, the rivers that flow through the land—came into being by His command.
In a world that often tries to deny the existence of God, this message is more important than ever. As people race through life being caught up in the distractions of modern society, many fail to stop and consider the beauty and order around them. But the truth is always there, visible in the design of creation. Every tree, every ocean wave, every snowflake speaks of the One who made it.
Look around at the world God has made. The more we study nature, the more we see the incredible complexity and design in everything—from the tiniest atom to the largest galaxy visible in the heavens above. The changing seasons, the intricate patterns of a butterfly’s wings, the majesty of a mountain range—each detail points back to the Creator. Nature is filled with purpose and order, and it is no accident. Romans 1:20 tells us, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”
God’s creation reveals who He is. It shows us His power, His wisdom, and His attention to detail. Think of the laws that govern the universe—the gravitational pull and centrifugal force that keeps the planets in orbit, the water cycle that moves water from the earth to the clouds and back again, and the process of a seed buried in the soil later bringing forth new life. Everything works together in perfect harmony, designed by God’s hand.
Just as a skilled artist leaves a signature on his work, creation bears the unmistakable mark of its Creator. God’s fingerprints are everywhere, from the grandeur of a sunset to the stillness of a forest. Every detail speaks of His glory.
Knowing that God is the Creator changes how we see ourselves. We are not the result of chance. We as humans were made with a purpose and carefully crafted in the image of God Himself (Genesis 1:27). This gives our lives value and meaning. You and I were not accidents. We were designed by God and our lives are part of His greater plan.
As created beings, we are accountable to our Creator. Just as an artist knows the purpose of his artwork, God knows what is best for His creation. He has given us His Word to guide us in how we should live and to teach us how to flourish within the framework of His design. When we follow God’s ways and live in harmony with his purpose for us, we find peace and fulfillment.
Moreover, creation reflects God’s desire for relationship. The same God who made the mountains and seas desires to know us personally. He didn’t create the world and then leave it to run on its own. He is involved in His creation, caring for it and sustaining it. The Creator of the universe knows your name. He knows your thoughts, your worries, and your joys. And more than anything, He wants to walk with you through life.
Perhaps you’ve drifted away from the Creator, caught up in the busyness of life or weighed down by its difficulties. But the invitation is always there, written in the world around us. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Creation is a constant reminder of God’s presence, calling us back to Him, inviting us to know Him more deeply.
The message of “In the Beginning, God Created” is more than just a statement of fact. It’s an invitation. It invites us to reflect on the purpose of our existence and to ask the big questions. Where do we come from? Why are we here? What is our purpose?
If you’ve never taken the time to explore these questions, I encourage you to read the opening chapters of Genesis. Let God’s Word speak to your heart, and allow the truth of creation to lead you back to the One who made you. The same God who created the universe wants to have a personal relationship with you.
For those of us who already personally know the Creator, let this message stir our hearts to worship. Let it remind us that we serve a God of incredible power, wisdom, and love. And may we live each day with a renewed sense of awe at the beauty of creation, knowing that we are part of His masterpiece.
—Harold R. Troyer