
Where Do I Come From?
It is a popular concept in the Western world that people evolved from ape-like ancestors. So where do we come from? Are we more than

Have you heard the News?
The Good News! God loves you, and wants you to know and love Him. He offers you peace and joy and a fulfilled life. The

Real Christian Community: love AND truth
Most people instinctively crave meaningful relationships. For some, this inner longing distorts reality, and subsequent wrong choices result in a lifetime of grief. For the

LOVE JESUS? Joyfully obey Him!
In today’s world, love is often misrepresented and undervalued to the point where many of us may have little idea what true love is. The

Right & Wrong. Who decides?
One flaw in our human nature is that we want to be right and shrink from being declared wrong. In our natural state, we are

What is Truth?
Since the beginning of time, people have pondered the question of what the truth really is about a number of subjects. Do convincing answers exist

“Truth will set you free!”
Jesus Christ said this: Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And

What is Truth?
Does truth really exist? How can we know? Who is capable of defining truth? In answer to these questions perhaps we could ask, “Does the