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When Were You Saved?

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If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. John 8:31

“When were you saved?” The question came up during a conversation at work with one of our customers. I had always found this question difficult to answer since I cannot point to a specific day as the spiritual turning point in my life. Rather, it seemed like a decision that I had made sometime at a young age, which was continually challenged and reinforced as I matured. 

As I thought for a moment to find a reply, the most appropriate answer suddenly flashed into my mind. “I am saved today,” I responded. Then I explained that although I had experienced a genuine spiritual rebirth at some time in the past, being saved today, right now, is the most important thing. 

Salvation and saved are such common terms today that their true meaning has been lost for many people. Jesus said, “God sent . . . his Son . . . that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:17). Other Scriptures clarify that saving faith in the Son of God delivers man not only from the consequences of sin but also from the power of sin, which is far more significant in this present life. The importance of this daily deliverance cannot be overemphasized. Without it, man is totally at the mercy of all the self-destructive influences of the flesh, the world, and Satan. 

Being saved five, ten, or twenty years ago is good, for our salvation certainly needs to have a beginning. However, that beginning needs to be nurtured daily so that each one of us can joyfully say, “I am saved today.” 

By the grace of God I was saved in the past, I am saved in the present, and I will be saved forever in the future.

~ Pete Lewis 


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